Yaki Udon will be your new favorite 20-minute meal! This is a simple Japanese noodle dish packed with vegetables and stir-fried with a savory and flavorful sauce.
The udon noodles are thick and chewy, the perfect meal to satisfy any noodle craving!
What is yaki udon?
Yaki udon is a classic Japanese noodle dish filled with all sorts of vegetables and proteins that’s stir-fried together with a sweet and savory sauce.
I cannot stress enough how convenient it is to stock up your freezer with these frozen udon blocks because they only take around 1-2 minutes to soften up!

That means these are absolutely perfect for those busy days when you’re short on time, or if you’re simply feeling lazy and want a quick-and-easy meal with minimal effort. It’s a win-win.
Udon noodles are essentially Japanese-style noodles that’s made up of water and wheat flour. They’re thick and chewy, and versatile enough to be tossed with a variety of sauces -hot or cold. In this case, we’ll be quickly stir-frying these noodles for a rich and hearty meal that’s both filling and delicious!
20-minutes is all it takes to make Yaki Udon, so let’s get started.
Ingredients for yaki udon
- Udon noodles: you can find frozen udon in most Asian groceries sold in packs of 4-5. They store for months in the freezer, and the best part is that there’s no need to defrost! Simply throw them into a pot of boiling water and wait for the noodles to separate and soften in texture.
- Onions: adds a mild sweetness and aromatic flavor to our udon.
- Cabbage, mushrooms, carrots, scallions: these will be our vegetable add-ins. This is just a standard combination of veggies, so you can definitely play around with adding or omitting certain vegetables in your stir-fry.
- Sesame seeds: for garnish. These are even better when toasted!
- Soy sauce, dark soy sauce, oyster sauce, mirin, brown sugar, dashi powder: these ingredients all form our delicious Yaki Udon sauce. It’s the perfect balance of savory, sweet, and umami flavors. Feel free to adjust the sauce according to your tastes. You could even add in some chili flakes to this sauce for a spicy-kick!
What else can I add?
Because this is a stir-fry dish, after-all, this is the perfect opportunity for you to clear out your fridge of any leftovers!
I kept this recipe pretty simple and straightforward, so other add-ins you can include could also be:
- Chicken
- Shrimp
- Thinly-sliced beef or pork
- Tofu
- More vegetables (bok choy, broccoli, celery etc.)
Bring a pot of water to a boil. Drop in your frozen udon blocks (no need to defrost!) and let soften for 1-2 minutes, or until the noodles have loosened up and the texture is soft and chewy. Drain and set aside.

Combine all the sauce ingredients together in a bowl and mix until smooth. Set aside.

Saute the onions on an oiled pan or wok over medium heat until soft and translucent. Add in the cabbage, mushrooms, and carrots. Continue to saute until the vegetables are tender, about 2 minutes.

Add in the softened udon noodles and pour in the prepared sauce. Stir-fry for 2-3 minutes, until the sauce has thickened up slightly and it coats the noodles.

Finally toss in the scallions and stir until evenly combined. Remove from heat.

Garnish with a sprinkle of sesame seeds. Serve immediately. Enjoy!

Final tips
- Do not over cook the udon: Overcooked udon becomes incredibly mushy and breaks apart easily when stir-fried, not so great. Be sure to watch the timing of your noodles carefully. Frozen udon only takes around 1-2 minutes to soften up. Dried udon, on the other hand, may take up to 10 minutes. When in doubt, always read the packaging and taste a sample of the noodles before draining to ensure proper chew and texture.
- Use a wok, if you have one: A wok is perfect for this recipe. If you don’t have one, a large pan also works. The reason why is because a large surface area for cooking allows for proper stir-frying technique -allowing for better heat distribution, better caramelization of the veggies and sauce, and overall a much better Yaki Udon outcome.
- Have all of your ingredients ready: This recipe moves fast! Don’t leave your pan unattended for too long or you might risk burning the stir-fry you’ve worked so hard on. Have all of your veggies chopped and ready to go, the sauce all mixed-together in one bowl, and the noodles already boiled and softened.
If you’re loving these easy 20-minute meals, then here’s a couple more quick recipes to give a try!:
- Honey Garlic Salmon
- Crispy Tofu Sisig (Filipino tofu stir fry)
- Sticky 5-Spice Chicken
- Beef Curry Stir fry
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Resep Makanan Enak
Batagor adalah makanan khas Bandung. Batagor mirip dengan siomay yang digoreng. Batagor sendiri singkatan dari Bakso Tahu Goreng. Bahan utamanya mirip siomay, yakni adonan ikan tenggiri dan tepung tapioka. Lalu digoreng. Begitu juga dengan tahu-nya juga digoreng.
Menu pendukung batagor biasanya bumbu kacang, kecap manis, sambal, dan air perasan jeruk nipis sebagai pelengkap. Batagor ini jajanan yang populer di Indonesia. Terkadang pedagang siomay juga berjualan batagor. Bila siomay dikukus maka batagor digoreng. Bila siomay bentuknya “gepeng” maka batagor bentuknya bulat seperti bakso. Batagor dapat ditemukan di kaki lima atau warung. Batagor ada beberapa variasi, antara lain batagor kuah (yang penulis suka) dan batagor pangsit.
Cara Masak
Batagor mulai terkenal sejak tahun 1980. Menurut salah satu kisah, asal mula batagor adalah hasil dari kreativitas pedagang bakso tahu di daerah Bandung yang berpikir mau diapakan bakso tahu yang tak laku terjual. Akhirnya daripada dibuang, bakso tahu digoreng dan jadilah batagor. Itulah sebabnya batagor sangat terkenal di Bandung dan sudah dianggap sebagai salah satu kekayaan kuliner daerah Sunda.
Batagor lebih dianggap sebagai jajanan bukan makanan utama. Nutrisi batagor sendiri cukup banyak, Salah satu bahan yang biasa digunakan untuk membuat adalah ikan tenggiri. Ikan tenggiri mengandung protein dan Omega 3, bagus untuk menurunkan darah tinggi dan menjaga kesehatan jantung.
Resep Batagor
• Siapkan beberapa lembar kulit pangit.
• Siapkan beberapa tahu putih ukuran kecil, dan dibelah dua segitiga,dikeruk tengahnya
• Minyak untuk menggoreng
Daftar Resep Makanan
• 300 gram ikan tenggiri dan dihaluskan
• 3buah daun bawang di iris tipis
• 3 siung bawang putih dan dihaluskan
• ½ sendok the menyedap rasa
• 1 sendok the garam
• ¼ sendok the merica bubuk
• 2 sendok the gula pasir
• 3 putih telur
• 150 gram tepung sagu
• 25 gram tepung terigu protein sedang
Bahan Sambal Kacang:
• 200 gram kacang tanah kulit goreng
• 5siung bawang putih dan di goreng
• 6 buah cabai merah keriting dan di goreng
• 5 sendok makan gula merah
• ½ sendok makan garam
• 650 ml air hangat
• 2 sendok makan air asam jawa ( dari 1 sendok makan asam jawa di larutkan dalam 2 sendok makan air )
Bahan Pelengkap:
• 4 sendok makan kecap manis
• 2 buah jeruk limau di belah 2 bagian
Cara Membuat Batagor:
1. Campur ikan tenggiri yang sudah dihaluskan dengan daun bawang, bawang putih, penyedap rasa, garam, merica bubuk, dan gula pasir. Masukkan dalam chopper. Blender supaya lebih halus dan tercampur rata.
2. Masukkan putih telur dan air es. Blender kembali. Lalu tambahkan tepung sagu dan tepung terigu. Blender sampai tercampur rata.
3. Bagi menjadi 2 adonan. Satu bagian isi ke dalam tahu putih. Sisanya masukkan dalam kulit pangsit. Rekatkan sisi kulit pangsit dengan air. Bentuk segi empat.
4. Panaskan kukusan. Kukus adonan selama 30 menit dengan api sedang sampai matang. Dinginkan.
5. Setelah dingin, goreng siomay dan batagor dalam minyak yang sudah dipanaskan dengan api sedang sampai matang. Tiriskan.
6. Sambal kacang: haluskan kacang tanah, bawang putih, cabai merah keriting, gula merah, dan garam. Tambahkan air hangat dan aduk rata. Lalu masak sambal kacang sambil diaduk sampai kental. Setelah mengental, tambahkan air asam Jawa. Aduk rata. Matikan api.
7. Sajikan batagor dengan siraman sambal kacang dan bahan pelengkapnya
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